In certain difficult, demanding or high-risk environments, professionals have working constraints (distance, wearing protective gear, etc.) that make it impossible to communicate with each other easily. The nuclear industry is a good example of this.When interventions are required in nuclear power stations (periodic maintenance, changing the fuel, cleaning, decontamination, etc.) the health risks inherent to…
Vokkero Squadra equips the Maghreb federations
After the Tunisian and Moroccan federations, it’s the turn of the Algerian football federation to equip itself with the Vokkero® Squadra professional refereeing system.
Vokkero Squadra used during …
… the women’s Volleyball World Championship!
20/20 for Vokkero Squadra
This is the score given by Nicolas Maestre, Referee Trainer with the French Basketball Federation after testing Vokkero® Squadra under actual conditions of use. He gives us his first impressions.
Squadra adopted by the European Volleyball Confederation
In the last six months, the Vokkero® Squadra professional refereeing system has been tested on several occasions by the European Volleyball Confederation’s referee teams.